Mobile Data Solutions

As smartphones and tablets become increasingly capable and prolific, the necessity grows to incorporate these devices into any ESI preservation and/or digital forensic investigation.

Veracity Forensics works constantly to stay on the cutting edge of this sector, and the result is an array of solutions that stand alone in flexibility and speed from collection to review.  From same-day remote targeted mobile device collections, leveraging ModeOne, to the review of desperate mobile data types empowered by ESI Analyst, Veracity Forensics stands ready to meet client needs.

In addition to providing solutions for the collection and preservation of mobile devices, Veracity Forensics leverages ESI Analyst to provide a review solution for the desperate mobile data types. The ability to view and understand various behavior or activities within a succinct chronology provides unprecedented clarity to our examiners and clients. Futher, our ability to identify and remove duplicate text messages across various custodians’ devices makes for a more efficient and effective review for legal team, and helps reduce client spend.


Dallas 214-495-1305
Houston 713-568-0248
Toll-Free 877-499-6878